About Jessie
Jessie is a software engineer and tech lead with nearly a decade of experience. She loves working on both the front end and the back end and has a reputation for working well across teams and leading complicated projects to on-time, successful launches. She particularly enjoys working on internal tooling and developer-facing projects, as she enjoys the close, one-on-one collaboration with a product's or system's users and the creation of interfaces that developers love to use. See LinkedIn for more information on Jessie's past experience.
Projects (for fun)
Seating Generator (2017-2019)
A seat assigment and class partner generator made for practical use while teaching a summer class.
- Automatically generated seating configurations
- Guaranteed different partner for every student for up to 30 students over 15 days of instruction
- Special handling for an odd number of students
- Drag and drop interface for manual partner reassignment
- Login capabilities/accounts per teacher
- and more!
Tools: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, AppEngine, Material
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Zoomable (2014)
jQuery plug-in for zoom-on-hover functionality as seen on eCommerce sites.
Tools: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
Collaborators: Dennis Shy
Demo Code -
Chess (2014)
The board game, written for the terminal.
Tools: Ruby
Collaborators: Matt Kevins
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Chat App (2014)
A chat room built using Node. Users can chat in the main room as well as separate off into their own rooms to chat.
Tools: JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS